My name is Karin Bjerg Toft. I was born in Copenhagen, Denmark in 1965
My interest in painting started when I was a child watching my father experiment with colours and canvas. I painted my first oil painting when I was 12. Since then I have been painting whenever the situation permitted it.
I experiment with colours, oil, acrylic, and different textures. I have participated in different courses and groups in Denmark, USA and Belgium. In Montgomery, Alabama I had the great opportunity to work as a volunteer at the Museum of Fine Art.
I paint because it gives me a way to express myself in a different way than with words and it helps me to see things in a new perspective. I never plan what to paint or in which colours. I don’t paint for the finished product, I paint for the sake of the process. When I start painting I’m never sure where it will end. The process develops continuously and helps me get in contact with both my inner self and my actual mood and situation.
Few years ago I took on the challenge of letting other people than my closest family and friends see my productions. This, in itself, was a frightening and border crossing step for me. It felt like I had now jumped out of my artistic closet.
In turn, this step led me to sell one of my paintings for the first time ever, and since then, I have sold some more. In addition, I have made a webpage, on which I now display my paintings.
At some point, I was contacted by and asked if I would like to have an exhibition at Mons, Belgium. This would clearly be my biggest challenge so far, so it took some consideration before I consented. Now that I have and it turned out to be a very successful exhibition, I have found the courage to continue painting and participating in exhibitions.
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